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Evacuation Diagrams

AS 3745:2010 Compliant Evacuation Diagrams
Clear, Informative & Compliant

Do I need Evacuation Diagrams?

In accordance with AS3745:2010, it is recommended to replace evacuation diagrams at least every five years. All buildings, structures or workplaces occupied by people, with the exception dwellings, unless that dwelling is also used as a workplace must display these diagrams to guide occupants to the safest exits and designated assembly points in the event of an emergency. Additionally, the diagrams will indicate the location of fire equipment for use in a emergency situation.

What is required for Evacuation Diagrams?

AS 3745-2010 outlines the requirements for evacuation diagrams, including:

  • A pictorial representation of the floor or area


  • Designated exits

  • Warden intercommunication points (WIPs) and manual call points (MCPs) and emergency call points (ECPs)

  • Main controls/panels for occupant warning equipment

  • Hose reels

  • Extinguishers

  • Fire blankets

  • Fire indicator panel (FIP), if provided

  • Refuges, if present

  • Validity date

  •  Location of assembly area(s), either stated in words or pictorially represented

  •  A legend reflecting the symbols used

At Essential Fire Services, our evacuation diagrams comply with these requirements and may also include optional elements as listed in AS 3745-2010.

Do they need Inspecting

AS 1851:2012, the Australian standard for the routine service of fire protection systems and equipment, states that emergency response diagrams should be inspected for relevancy and checked for compliance with the emergency plan every six months. This is an important requirement, as emergency response diagrams are a critical tool for ensuring the safe and orderly evacuation of a building in the event of an emergency.

The inspection of emergency response diagrams should include the following:

  • Verification of the diagram's accuracy: The diagram should be checked to ensure that it accurately depicts the layout of the building and the location of all emergency exits, fire alarm points, fire equipment and other essential safety features.

  • Assessment of the diagram's relevancy: The diagram should be reviewed to ensure that it is still relevant to the current layout of the building and the current emergency plan. If the building has been significantly modified since the diagram was created, or if the emergency plan has been revised, the diagram may need to be updated.

  • Compliance with the emergency plan: The diagram should be checked to ensure that it complies with the requirements of the emergency plan. This includes ensuring that the diagram identifies the designated assembly points, the evacuation routes, and the procedures for activating the fire alarm system.

Essential Fire Services can provide inspection of evacuation diagrams. The inspection would be conducted by a fire safety professional who would verify the accuracy, relevancy, and compliance of the diagrams. The inspection would also highlight any areas of concern and make recommendations for improvement.

Our Complete Service

Audit & Markup

Our skilled safety officer will conduct a comprehensive site audit at your location. This will involve mapping out the site layout and marking the position of all crucial safety equipment. Our safety expert will also identify any potential hazards and suggest necessary improvements before finalizing the diagrams.


Our designer, in collaboration with a safety officer, will craft your evacuation plan using the findings of the site audit. The plan will highlight the most efficient route of exit, placement of emergency equipment, and designated assembly area for your site.

Review & Installation

After our safety officer has thoroughly reviewed the evacuation diagrams, we will engage with you to make any necessary modifications. Upon approval, the diagrams will be installed in snap frames on-site. The use of snap frames allows for convenient updating of the diagrams in case of any future changes to the building layout.

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